Showing all 4 blog posts tagged with "logging".
How to Set Up a Centralized Log Server with rsyslog
For many years, we've been running an ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) stack for centralized logging. We have a specific project that requires on-premise infrastructure, s... Read more
June 20, 2019 -
Django Logging Configuration: How the Default Settings Interfere with Yours
My colleague Vinod recently found the answer on Stack Overflow to something that's been bugging me for a long time - why do my Django logging configurations so often not do what... Read more
January 27, 2015 -
Central logging in Django with Graylog2 and graypy
Django's logging configuration facilities, which arrived in version 1.3, have greatly eased (and standardized) the process of configuring logging for Django projects. When buil... Read more
September 18, 2013 -
Remote logging with Python logging and Django
As part of my work on EveryWatt, our fledgling energy monitoring web site, I needed a way to consolidate log messages from all the data loggers we have running in a single place... Read more
June 9, 2009