We’ve waited eagerly for DjangoCon 2021 since last year’s event was cancelled due to COVID-19. Not only is the event back, but it’s free to attend! DjangoCon will take place virtually on October 22 and 23 — it will be unprecedented since this is the first time the conference will be virtual.
“We are very excited to allow our virtual conference to be free,” said Sponsors Co-Chair Catherine Holmes who has been involved as an organizer since 2018. “In the past, the cost of tickets varied based on the cost of location, including the venue and catered meals.”
But with none of that this year, the event is much more affordable to host, and the organizers decided to pass those savings on to the attendees. For comparison, tickets for the last in-person conferences in San Diego in 2018-19 were as high as $795 — so attending for free provides substantial savings. There is an option to submit a donation when you register for DjangoCon. Donations in any amount are appreciated and will go toward conference costs.
Registration for DjangoCon closes Monday, Oct. 18, at 11:59 p.m. (CDT).
Organizers like Holmes and Sponsors Chair Dawn Wages hope the low barrier to entry will attract more attendees, especially those who may not have been able to attend in the past. Holmes and Wages worked diligently to recruit corporate sponsors to help offset the costs of the event, which was more important than ever since they’re not relying on ticket sales.
Caktus is the Invitation Sponsor and Diversity and Inclusion Sponsor this year, and as always, we’ll be on the lookout for sharp web dev talent. Check out our current job openings.
The Conference is Made Possible by Volunteers and More Help is Needed
DjangoCon is organized by volunteers, many of whom are members of the Django Events Foundation North America (DEFNA), a non-profit that was formed in 2015 at the request of the Django Software Foundation (DSF).
If you attend DjangoCon, they could use your help! They’re looking for volunteers to assist with the DjangoCon website and are in need of attendees to hangout in the social spaces to be friendly, answer questions, and report any Code of Conduct issues.
Wages also mentioned that there’s a need for Django Girls volunteers. Django Girls is a separate nonprofit supported by DEFNA and the DSF. Django Girls meetups or workshops often occur around the conference. They’re holding a free programming workshop online on October 24, for marginalized genders — you must apply by October 10 to attend — or you can join the workshop as a mentor. There are other ways you can get involved with Django Girls, which are outlined on their website.
See You There!
We look forward to seeing you online at DjangoCon! Be sure to catch up with us in the virtual conference hall on October 22 and 23.