Photo by The Climate Reality Project on Unsplash
Like many conferences in 2020, DjangoCon Europe was held virtually. I'm glad I had the opportunity to attend because the sessions provided insight and information that I’m still applying. In light of the pandemic and the social changes it's caused, I've come to know that web development and the solutions it provides are at the heart of how we are navigating this challenging time. Here are three talks from DjangoCon Europe that I believe will help you protect, maintain, and develop projects.
Developing a Security Mindset: Practical Lessons for Pythonistas
Hayley used the great analogy of Sherlock Holmes and other detectives from fiction to help encourage the audience to take on a more security-oriented mindset in their Django projects. The talk touches upon a lot of topics in security, from how to think about third-party dependencies and their security vulnerabilities, to mitigating the risk of SQL injection attacks and code execution from deserialized user content. All around, this talk was a great way to stay informed on the methodologies for protecting your application.
C is for Cookie
At Caktus many of our projects demand internationalization. As a part of our process, we set a cookie in the browser to keep track of a user's preferred viewing language. Russell's talk dives into the history of cookies, the different types of cookies, the ways that they can be used, and ultimately the ways that they can be abused. I'd recommend this talk for any developer who is interested in delivering a better user experience, and for the casual observer who is interested in knowing why advertisers seem to know so much about them.
How to Break Django: With Async
Django 3.1 introduces asynchronous views, and in this talk, Andrew shares what he has learned from breaking Django with async. This talk is great for learning about important upcoming design decisions in Django, such as adding asynchronous methods to Django’s Object Relational Mapper. It also offers insight on how to use the current asynchronous features properly, so that developers are better able to make decisions in their code that will maximize performance while lessening the risk of silent code failures. I highly recommend this talk for developers using Django builds that are beyond the current LTS.
Learn More!
Be sure to check out all of the talks from DjangoCon Europe for yourself! They are definitely contributing to my approach to projects at Caktus, and I hope they impact your methodology for protecting, maintaining, and developing your projects.