We are pleased to continue serving the North Carolina community at-large through our semi-annual Charitable Giving Program. Twice a year we solicit proposals from our team to contribute to a variety of non-profit organizations. With this program, we look to support groups in which Cakti are involved or that have impacted their lives in some way. This gives Caktus a chance to support our own employees as well as the wider community. For the first half of 2019 we are pleased to support the following charities:
Alley Cats and Angels
Alley Cats and Angels is dedicated to improving the lives of stray, abandoned, and feral cats. They also work to reduce the number of homeless cats in the Triangle through adoption, farm cat, and spay/neuter assistance programs. Our Lead Developer and Technical Director Karen Tracey is a longtime volunteer for the organization. We are also lucky to have cats and kittens visit our office on a fairly regular basis.
Learn more about AlleyCats and Angels.
Museum of Life and Science
The Museum of Life and Science’s mission is to “create a place of lifelong learning where people, from young child to senior citizen, embrace science as a way of knowing about themselves, their community, and their world.” Our Chief Business Development Officer Ian Huckabee is a current museum board member and sits on the executive and finance committees.
Learn more about the Museum of Life and Science.
Downtown Sailing Center
For a few years, Caktus CEO Tobias McNulty lived in Baltimore. During that time, he volunteered and sailed at the Downtown Community Sailing Center, a non-profit that has served the community since 1994. They provide sailing experiences for children and people with disabilities with the help of a large crew of volunteers. The organization, “[P]rovides quality educational and life enriching programs that promote self-esteem and teamwork through the joy of sailing. The Downtown Sailing Center is committed to promoting an environment of inclusiveness especially accessibility, especially to youth, persons with disabilities, and those with limited opportunity.”
Learn more about Downtown Sailing Center.
InStepp, Inc.
InStepp is, “[A] community change agent that transforms women and adolescent girls who have found themselves in less than desirable life circumstances. Our gender-responsive training, educational and prevention programs help women and girls rise above the odds to succeed in the world of work, and in all aspects of their lives. This, in turn, helps our communities thrive through empowered women that are caring, giving workers, family members and citizens.” Caktus’ Operations Director Kel Hanna nominated this organization for its great work in our community.
Learn more about InStepp, Inc.
Project Jupyter
From the beginning Caktus has been a supporter and contributor to the open source community. As a team, we have really enjoyed using Jupyter Notebook on many of our projects. We have used it for exploratory coding and documenting repeatable steps for projects. Project Jupyter is committed to being an open source software program and we are proud to support that work and the open-source community that we love.
Learn more about Project Jupyter.
The Giving Continues!
Caktus’ next round of giving will be Fall/Winter 2019, and we look forward to supporting another group of organizations that are committed to enriching the lives of North Carolinians!