Trey Hunner speaking at PyCon 2017.

Part 6 in the 2017 edition of our annual PyCon Must-See Series, highlighting the talks our staff especially loved at PyCon. While there were many great talks, this is our team's shortlist.

"Readability Counts" was a good talk about why your code should be readable and how you get it there. One of the things I appreciated was that while it was very developer-focused, it was human-oriented rather than technical.

In his presentation, Trey Hunner shared four reasons why code should be readable:

  • It makes your life easier
  • Code is more often read than written
  • It is easier to maintain readable code
  • It’s easier to onboard new team members

He also shared a few best practices to achieve this, including usage of white space, line breaks, and code structure; descriptive naming; and choosing the right construct and coding idioms.

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