Part six of six in our annual PyCon Must-See Series, a weekly highlight of talks our staff especially loved at PyCon. With so many fantastic talks, it’s hard to know where to start, so here’s our short list.
Coming from a heavy database admin background, I found Craig Kerstiens’s “Postgres Present and Future" to be incredibly well organized and engaging. Of particular interest to me, because I am somewhat new to Postgres (while having more background history with MS SQL), was the deep dive into indexes in Postgres.
Check out 5:44-8:39 to find out when to use different types of indexes, outside of the standard B-Tree. For instance, Gin indexes are helpful when searching multiple values for a single column, ie. an array field or a JSONB field.
Click over to 17:22-19:33 to learn about the new Bloom Filter in Postgres 9.6, which is coming out in a few months. This extension seems like it will be incredibly useful to speed up queries on wide tables with a bunch of different options.
More in the annual PyCon Must-See Talks Series.