Django is a tool we use every day to build fantastic web apps here at Caktus, and a development sprint is a concerted, focused period of time in which developers meet in the same space to get things done on a project.
We're proud to annouce that Caktus is hosting another local Django development sprint in the Triangle (Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill/Carrboro) area of North Carolina. The sprint will be held the weekend of March 20th and 21st in Carrboro Creative Coworking, and the purpose of this sprint will be to help push out bug fixes in preparation for the upcoming Django 1.2 release.
If you're interested in attending, no previous experience contributing to Django is necessary and the sprint will be a great opportunity to start. Work on other open source Django-based projects is welcome too. For more information, check out the corresponding wiki page.
We'll be there to open the doors at 9am both days. Courtesy of our sponsors there will be free drinks, snacks, and lunch to go around. Hope to see you there!