In honor of our recent one year anniversary (August 31st), we revamped our web presence to address a couple concerns about the original site:
- We wanted to limit the technical language on the site. Our original "Services" page displayed a lot of buzz words and someone reasonably knowledgeable about the technology could easily get a sense of what we do, but the page didn't do as good a job of explaining what we do (and why you should hire us to do it) for individuals and organizations in need of a web application without a dedicated technical team to rely on. The new services page uses a few buzz words, but focuses mostly on the tangible, value-oriented features of what we do.
- While Caktus started out as a general-purpose technology consulting company, we've honed and refined our skills over the past year+ to focus on what we do best: highly customized web application development, using Django. The old "Services" page detailed (almost) everything that we do and didn't convey a clear sense of what we do best. By simplifying "What We Do" into a few core services and explaining in better detail why we're so great to work with, we believe the new page is both simpler and more compelling.
- We wanted to make it easier to feature our clients on the new site, so we added a couple tables to our database backend that store some of our customer testimonials and recent projects. Leveraging Django's built-in admin interface, we got this off the ground in almost no time. Using jQuery's Galleria, we created a new portfolio with a little flourish.
- Lastly, we wanted to simplify and clarify the site's design itself. We removed a few unnecessary borders and colors around the site's navigation, simplified the logo, and made all the text on the site just a little larger.
Take a peek and let us know what you think: www.caktusgroup.com